Sunday, February 8, 2009


We've officially hit the "why?" phase at our house.  You know, the phase where your child asks the question "why?" to every single thing you say.  I thought we might skip it, but it's now in full swing.  For the record, Hannah is the official "why?" questioner right now.  Leah either doesn't care or is too busy doing her own thing to ask.  I never thought those constant questions could be so annoying, but I'm telling you that my patience has been tested. Thankfully, I haven't lost it and I'm reminding myself that she's only four and trying to figure out this crazy world we live in.  

For example, we were watching America's Funniest Home Videos tonight and every single time I laughed at something, she would ask, "Why are you laughing, Mama?" And every time I would answer, "Because that was funny."  Five minutes later, "Why are you laughing at that, Mama?" You get the point. 

Also this morning the wind was blowing like crazy, and Hannah is a little nervous about strong wind (Living in tornado alley has something to do with that-- and that I've let her watch The Wizard of Oz a few times, but that's a different story....).  As we carried her and her sister from our car, across the church parking lot, and into the building we heard her voice asking, "Why is it so windy?  Will the wind blow me away?" 

As we pulled into our driveway after church this afternoon, there was a gigantic black spider hanging out by our garage door.  Mike got out first and gently used a broom to brush it into the grass and out of our way.  "Why you did that, Daddy?" and "Why was that spider there?" and even "Is that spider going home?"  and "Where does that spider live? Does that spider have a family?"

And finally tonight after Leah was sound asleep, I heard her little voice calling out from her dark bedroom, "Mommy!  Mommy!"  I went in and sat beside her as she said in a very sad and pathetic voice, "Why is no one in here to keep me comfortable?" (I think she meant company instead of comfortable, but it's still really cute).  I had to calmly reassure her that she was okay, and that I would tuck her in and scratch her back for a few minutes.  Because I'm a sucker that way.  =)

So this little Hannah of mine is asking questions.  A lot of questions.  But I have to remember that she's looking to me for answers.  And how I respond to her really matters.  I don't want to blow off her questions (as annoying as they sometimes may be right now!).  She's learning. 

And as she grows up and becomes a young woman, I hope she still comes to me with all her questions.  


  1. I am sure it would get exhausting, but those sure are cute questions!

  2. I have just decided that it means they are really smart - Coop at 7 still asks lots of questions - and, hate to tell ya, they just get harder to answer!
