Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Stay on Green

When the girls started preschool this fall, they came home talking about whether or not they had "stayed on green" all day.  At first I didn't pay any attention to that phrase, but I eventually asked their teacher what it meant and discovered that in their classroom, each child has a "stoplight". As long as they have good behavior, they stay on their green light.  If they go to time-out, they change to yellow.  And if they (heaven forbid) go to their red light, the school calls the child's parents.  I was also pleasantly surprised to know that my girls are really concerned about staying on green, and most of the time they exhibit good, obedient behavior. It was a simple, yet effective way of maintaining discipline in the classroom.  And then a light bulb went off in my head.  Why am I not doing this at home?

So with a little bit of construction paper, markers, scissors, stickers and tape, we made up our own "stoplight" system.  It's a little different than what they have at school, but let me tell you-- it works.  At least for now it does.  We'll have to reevaluate if it ever stops working, but for now we're having fewer meltdowns, fewer arguments and an overall happier tone to our day.  Most of the time all I have to do is give them a warning and say, "Do you want to stay on green today?"  

No one make fun of my artwork ok?  Thanks.  =)


  1. I got an award in the second grade for staying on green all year. :) It should work at least that long! This sounds like something out of parenting with love and logic.

  2. What a fun idea. I wish my dog cared about staying on green...

  3. Do you think this technique would work with cats? hehe!

    By the way, I tagged you. If you wanna play get the details here:
