Monday, December 29, 2008

Reading Fest

Since we've had a lot of time relaxing at home lately, I've been reading like a mad woman.  I finally finished A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, which I've been slowly attacking since September.  I know, I know-- but throughout all the holidays, reading got pushed aside.  But after Christmas we had several days to be at home and I managed to finish that book plus another book which I'll blog about tomorrow.  And I've started a third book that I think will be a great read too.  

Today I thought I'd give my two cents on A Tree Grows in Brooklyn-- for whatever my opinion is worth!  This is a slow paced book, but if you know that from the start, you can just relax and enjoy it rather than wait anxiously for something big to happen.  Much like Seinfield was dubbed "a show about nothing", so this book could be called "a book about nothing".  And I don't mean that in a negative way.  It just follows the life of little Francie Nolan during the years 1912-1917.  Francie is poor and grows up in the tenement houses of Brooklyn, NY.  She begins the book as a withdrawn, but imaginative little girl and ends the book a more confident and self-assured sixteen year old.  I thought the descriptions of Francie's world were both sad and beautiful.   She experiences both joys and sorrows within her own family, whom you will get to know and love as well.  Betty Smith, the book's author, grew up in Brooklyn herself, so her descriptions of the bustling streets and melting pot of nationalities all living together is quite accurate.  It was a little bit like going back in time and really seeing what it took to survive the daily grind.   

Overall, I really enjoyed it.  I thought Francie's character in particular was incredibly well developed.  It felt like you almost knew her as a real person.  I would highly recommend reading this classic novel.  


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I haven't read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, but it has been on my to do list for quite some time!

  3. Hi, found your blog today. I too, have been catching up on some reading over the holidays, and I just finished "Peace Like A River". I quickly added it to my list of favorite books and then, of course, had to see who else in the blogosphere loved it as much as I did. It seems that everyone else that liked it is a woman, but what can I say, I'm a sensitive guy. I thought the book was beautifully written, didn't you?

    Keep seeking after Christ, blogging, reading, and loving your family!

  4. I just bought this book but haven't read it's first on my list after I read my book club book!
