Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Random Thoughts

It's Tuesday night and I'm full of random thoughts. Some funny, some meaningless. Here's a sampling:

* Lately when we're in the car Leah will ask to talk about "bugs and blood." I think this is because my dad explained what a mosquito does when it bites you.

* A coldfront is supposed to move through here tonight, so I'm bracing myself for a chilly north wind tomorrow. The weather forecast last night proclaimed, "December Coming Early!". Our local meteorologists crack me up with their drama.

* I'm currently reading A Tree Grows in Brooklyn and am liking it very much. I think I would like to experience Brooklyn in 1912 maybe just for a few days.

* The girls desperately need new socks. I think we went all summer without wearing any! But when I put some one their feet yesterday the little line of stitching that should be at their heel was in the middle of their sole.

* Bring on the soups, stews and chili for fall. And pumpkin bread and hot chocolate and apple cake and........

* My children will be 4 years old in a matter of two months. Oh my.

* The last movie I watched that made me both laugh and cry was Lars and the Real Girl.

* This morning while the girls were back in their room playing I overheard Hannah tell her sister, "Leah, grown ups are good-- babies are bad!" What does this mean?

What are your random thoughts this week? Do share!


  1. Oh, I loved Lars and the Real Girl!

  2. - cold weather always makes me crave ice cream. good thing it's on your mind, too. :)
    - i cannot wait till my dad builds the first fire of the season...i'll be in full-on ready for christmas mood,then!
    - i need to watch lost in translation and eternal sunshine again...adding lars to the list.
    - i am still searching for more creative outlets in my life..
    - i have an overwhelming desire to go abroad this summer and write write write. and maybe help people while i'm at it, too. ;)
    - i can't wait to see a certain set of twins in their new fall clothes!

  3. This is kind of funny, but I am also reading A Tree Grows in Brooklyn right now. It seems like we read a lot of the same books! I was thinking about it tonight about how well the author is able to capture the thoughts of a child. I'm not sure I would be able to do that.

    Also, I agree with you about the local meteorologists. I love hearing them get all excited!

