Those are just a few images from our day at home. Not pictured were the stack of books we read, the grilled cheese sandwiches and apple slices we ate at lunch, the four loads of laundry I managed to squeeze in, the inevitable sibling squabbles, and the time spent drawing at the kitchen table. All in all it was a good Friday. Tomorrow I will have to venture out into society because we're running low on groceries. I guess I have to get back out there sometime!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Glimpses Into My Day
I have not left my house in the past twenty four hours. Fridays are typically like that for me, and I keep them that way on purpose. Monday -Thursday is filled with mother's day out, ballet, and other activities. And I work two night a week as an English tutor. So Fridays are our days at home to play, rest, catch-up and just be. Here are a few glimpses into what we did today:
Breakfast: oatmeal with brown sugar and cinnamon, coffee for mom, apple juice for the Banana and Bee.
Silly face pictures as the girls called them. They love to look at them after we take them and they just crack up.
Playing a game that involved cramming just about every stuffed animal into a "house" then toppling it over and recramming it full again.
Dressing up as Dorothy and singing "We're off to see the Wizard" about twenty times.
Even Tundra crawled out of her safe spot under our chair to have some fun today.
She loves to "scratch" on my jeans. Oh Tundra, you are too cute.
in the sentence about being an english tutor, there is an error. IRONIC. i need to go back and proof/edit all my posts... i have so many typos that i don't notice till weeks later!
ReplyDeleteOh the pressure for an English teacher to have perfect grammar! I always find typos after I post. Always. Even though I read over them like five times. There's probably one in this comment right now. It might also have something to do with the fact that I usually post around midnight when I'm dead tired. Oh well. Don't hold it against me!