Saturday, September 20, 2008

Five Days of Books:: 5

For my final book, I finally picked a non-fiction read.  I have come to fully accept that I love fiction.  I love getting swept away into the world of make believe or realistic make believe, but every now and then I pick up a non fiction book that makes reality feel like I was reading fiction.  That's how The Hospital by the River by Dr. Catherine Hamlin was for me. I first saw Dr. Hamlin interviewed by Oprah (I promise I don't really sit around and watch her all the time!),and I was absolutely moved to tears.  Dr. Hamlin and her husband Reg, both gynaecologists, left their native Australia in 1959 for a short stay in Ethiopia.  They were asked to develop a midwifery school there and eagerly accepted the challenge. What they didn't realize is that they would fall in love with the country and it's people. Now over forty years later Catherine is still there running an amazing medical facility.  The Hamlins loved Ethiopia, but on the other hand their hears were broken over the amount of suffering many women go through there.  Many girls are married off at 13 years old and by 14 are having their first babies.  Many of these young girls' bodies are not ready to give birth and especially not ready to endure the process all alone as many have to do out in the country where no medical facility is available. Obstructed labor is a big problem and many of these girls go through days of labor only to finally deliver a stillborn child.  One problem that a lot of these girls suffer is called a fistula.  Without going into much detail, the fistula sufferers end up with an uncontrollable leak of urine which makes them like modern day lepers-- despised, rejected, dirty and alone.  The Hamlins knew of a simple operation that could easily cure these women and made it their mission to treat them-- and to treat them with kindness, respect and dignity.  I loved this story.  Although not a fast paced read, it is so refreshing to read about real, modern day people devoting their entire lives to selflessly helping others.  It challenged me to examine my heart and my motives as well.  

So there you have it.  A small sampling of some of the books I have read over the last six or seven months.  I love to read, and I love a good book recommendation, so please pass on some of your favorites!! 

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