Thursday, July 24, 2008

So Happy Together

Well, most of the time that is.  When the girls were babies we used to say how we couldn't wait for them to be able to play together.   And how great it would be that they would have a "built in best friend".  Naively we thought those days would be sooner than later.  At age one we waited for them to happily interact, but instead they just parallel played.  In other words, they would do the same thing, but independently.   Even at age two they still didn't really "play" together yet.  Instead one would take a toy out of the other's hand and then whack her over the head with it.  They still do this occasionally, but now that they are three and a half, they are finally really interacting well together and I love it. Blocks, their kitchen, and dolls seem to be the toys of choice to play with.  They will spend a long time working together to build a castle.  When they're done, they both run to find us and squeal, "Come see what we built!"  They are so proud of their work.  Then Leah usually declares, "Hannah, let's decorate it!"  They use whatever is close by:  shoes, dolls, plastic silverware from their little kitchen, you know, the essentials.  

I hope this new era of interaction and friendship plants the seeds for a deep, loving relationship to grow into their teen and adult years.  Believe me, they are not perfect.  They still scream, throw fits, argue and even hit or pinch each other. But for now I am cherishing those moments of them working in sync in a rhythm of play.


  1. boycotting your blog until further notice!! um, or until you leave me some really great comments. your my only reader!!

  2. The friendship that my boys have is such a huge treasure for me and Ryan. Truly a blessing - we can encourage it but only God could make that bond!

  3. Wow, looking back at this post today (3/8/12) makes me realize how much time flies! The girls are now 7 and exactly one year after this post (to the day) our Lucas was born. So thankful for the friendship our girls still have!

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