Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Welcome to my new blog!  I've been wanting to start one for quite some time, so I finally  just took the plunge.  Here I'll be rambling about motherhood, music, kids, books, and whatever else comes to my mind to write about.   The name of my blog, "Bananas and Bees", comes from the nicknames I've given my children.  I figure they will be the subject of many a post, so why not include them in the title.  Plus, I just liked the way it sounded. And the name was actually available (what an ordeal that was!).  The "banana" part refers to my little Hannah.  Get it?  Hannah Banana?  It rhymes.  I'm very original with these I might add.  "Bee" is the rhyming companion for my sweet Leah.  Leah Bee and Hannah Banana.  Those are my girls. 

Nicknames can be pretty funny really.  Sometimes they evolve into other sweet or silly versions of the original nickname. For example with Hannah, I've been known to just call her "Banana."  For example, I might say, "Banana, please pick up your sippy cup off the floor."  Or, "Hey Banana, come look at this!"  And sometimes I add on to that by calling her anything from Banana Bread to Banana Pudding.  Sometimes I add an 's' to the end and call her Bananas. It just depends on what comes out of my mouth at that particular moment.  With Leah, I usually call her "Leebers" (a strange combination of Leah and Bee).  But I also call her "Little Bee" "Sweet Pea Lee" or just simply "Bee."  

Even in marriage, nicknames seem to surface in our conversations.  Mike and I have been calling each other "Pea" for years.  It's a shortened version of Sweet Pea which we thought was just a little too sweet.  So we cut it down to "Pea" and it stuck.   So two Peas, a Banana, and a Bee.  It's a great combination.  

What nicknames do you have?  What nicknames have you given to your children?  Or pets?    

1 comment:

  1. ahhhh! YAY! I'm so glad you finally got a blog. That's it, I'm going to take the plunge too, but it may take me a few weeks...or months...especially with the name picking.

    LOVE the name, by the way. Genius.

    Have I ever told you that I hate that my nickname is Jacque? I totally understand, Jacquelyn is long, but why would my parents name me one name only to call me another? I'm a Jacquelyn, I think. However, I do prefer Jacque to "Jack". Ugh.

    I was actually thinking about all the funny nicknames I had for Muffin today! [Dude.. me and you, brainwaves. It's unreal.] I had Muffy, then Muffy-Wuffy, then Muffers, then Muffalo the Buffalo, then just Muffalo. Later in life, when I felt she needed a strong name to make up for her lack of strength I called her Muffinator. :)
